Again we collected the yummiest food moments for Hong Kong. Enjoy our collection!
Monday: Playful Tea party with @hkfoodie_yum
Tuesday: Braised Pork on Rice and Fried Chicken – Nom! @hktablefor2
A photo posted by J&H| 2 Food Enthusiasts| 🇭🇰 (@hktablefor2) on
Wednesday Humpday: How can you say no to this plate of goodness @mezzo_foodstagram
Thursday: Fancy some buns, hun? @ofnomsandmore
A photo posted by Of Noms & More (@ofnomsandmore) on
Friday: Time for some gooey Lasagna @aydeetie
Saturday: Chinese Food Indulgence @grassrootseaters
A photo posted by grassrootseaters (@grassrootseaters) on
Sunday: Ending the week classy with some fresh Oysters @92eatouthk